Hero background

Tools built by real people.
Curated by real people.

No VC-funds, just the very best from indie hackers and small teams.


Funbrands is a Fun & Exciting Brand Identities as Inspiration for Brand Designers. Curated by a human, and sent directly to you every Saturday🤭.


Enhance your Todoist Experience! Todoist is the go-to todo application for many but it lacks the more advanced functionality desired by many. Doify gives you that functionality!

Gradient Hub

Generate a random gradient, export it as an image (or CSS) and use it in your project right away!


Squiggles, scribbles, shapes and... other stuff. A library of over 70 custom-color elements ready to paste into your project. 100% free.

Banner List

Find Places to Advertise. A curated directory of websites that accept banner ads, sponsorships, or sell fixed spots. Search by name, category, price, and more to find the ideal place to advertise your product or service.


See your time in new ways. The visual calendar for non-linear thinkers.

Blog Recorder

Create blog posts 10x faster by talking out loud. Get rid of writer's block and start publishing more often. Audio gets turned into structured blog posts you can edit, export, and publish anywhere.


All AI models in one place. Switch between top AI services and local models. All from a single native app on your Mac.


Empowering Small Teams to Achieve Big Goals. Simplified performance management, reviews, OKRs, and KPIs. No minimum fees.

Niche Business Ideas

Generate a niche business idea in seconds, and for free!


Find the perfect palette for your next project. Browse over 200 hand-made palettes, preview them on live layouts, and plug into your project in seconds.


Create a GitHub profile in minutes, complete with skills icons, stats and graphs and a lot more. 100% free!

Saas Boilerplates

The Best SaaS Starters and Boilerplates, 100+ of the best SaaS starters and SaaS boilerplates by framework, features, price, and maker. Curated by hand, daily.


The scalable and production-ready Next.js SaaS starter kit. Save endless hours of development time and focus on what's important for your customers.


Post creative bounties, watch creators turn your vision viral, and double down with high-performing content.

Oscar Stories

AI story generator: Your child can be the star of their very own personalized story, selecting unique characters and professions that make the adventure uniquely theirs.


Create a booking system for your business. Setup resources and services, configure your availability and start taking bookings today!